Ages: 2 1/2 years – 4 years
In our Preschool program, we focus on self-help and independence, getting ready for the expectations of a “school” career. Through a variety of large and small group activities, the children can practice new skills and work towards mastering skills in this important area of mental health-based skill development. We devote time each day to reviewing the foundations of early literacy through initiatives like our Reading Program and phonetic awareness.
Literacy is present in all the routines of our day. By spending time each day exploring “academic” concepts such as shape, size, volume, sequencing, direction, numeracy, problem solving and critical thinking, we strive to send preschoolers to Junior Kindergarten armed with a variety of learning tools.
With a focus on co-operative play, conflict resolution, early literacy and numeracy and concentration skills, our goal is to build enthusiastic, lifelong learners.
Focusing on self-help
Exclusively created
reading program
Emphasizing communicating needs
For more information
Book a tour and submit a waitlist application, Contact Us.